Tips from local ambassadors

Writen by: Katrine Næss

Visit Hammerfest has teamed up with several local ambassadors! What our ambassadors have in common is that they are proud citizens who know how to enjoy life here in the north, - each in their own way. In the group, we have both nurses, a process operator, a photographer, entrepreneurs and a senior doctor! In their spare time, some of these are die-hard adventurers, keen salmon fishermen, dog lovers, hobby photographers, yoga enthusiasts and more. And they willingly share their best tips with you!


Turi is a nurse at Hammerfest Hospital and a keen walker in her spare time. In 2021, she went a total of 303 times to Storfjellet, where a lovely view of Hammerfest awaits at the top. It was on one of these trips in January that the sun finally announced its arrival after a long absence during the darkness. It was bitterly cold, and Turi had hot water in the thermos. Then she got the idea to create this image:

Tip #1: Create a Snow Fireworks!

In freezing cold (-10 degrees or colder): Pour boiled water into a cup or thermos and throw the water into the air to create a snow firework. Feel free to lift the contents over your head behind you. Please wear a hood over your head in case some of the water does not evaporate.


Tip #2: "A refreshing adrenaline-pumping dip"

- Turi calls his second tip. It is simply a matter of a December bath in Arctic sea water. Visit Hammerfest can assure you that it is "refreshing" to swim in the sea ALL year round, and "adrenaline-inducing" all winter, at least! Here, Turi and a friend bathe at the pebble spring that lies towards Meland.


Tip #3 Trip to the North Tip of Sørøya

"A trip to Kjøttvikvarden and Tarhalsen on Sørøya is a rare experience, with its wild and beautiful nature, precipitous cliffs, sandbars and sea gaps. And hares, seals, sheep, eagles and reindeer are often seen, and not to forget the tame the camels!" writes Turi. The picture was taken at Kjøttvikvarden.

Tip #4: Peak trip to Eidvågtind (Seiland)

"Eidvågtind on Seiland is a simple but great trip, just outside Hammerfest. And there are several options for choosing a route based on the desired length of the trip and skills," writes Tor Arild. The picture from a spring trip to Eidvågtind with t-shirt weather:

Tip #5: Beautiful climbing on Meland (Hammerfest)

- with a view of Sørøysund and good sunny conditions. Here you can see that Sørøya can be seen in the distance:

Sonni is a senior doctor in the municipality, and in her spare time she is an active hiker, yoga and golf enthusiast! She is originally from Slettelva outside the village of Kvalsund, and is very happy in her home place. Fit as she is, Sonni is out on a walk practically every day, regardless of the weather, and on her trips she has a keen eye for good photo subjects. Thanks to Sonni, Hammerfest pictures often grace the weather reports on TV!

Tip #6: Ski trip to Nadjet (on the plateau: Sennalandet)

Strap on your cross-country skis and walk along fine ski tracks along the open and wide expanse, where winter lasts a little longer than in the coastal areas. In the month of May, it is spring winter here, and then there are good opportunities to complete the trip in beautiful sunshine if the snow conditions permit. Remember to pack a lunch! The picture was taken in the spring, when the rivers that are frozen in the winter have opened:


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